Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caramel Apple Bites

Caramel Apple Crisp Bites

Recipe can be found at:

Are you ever on Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr or other websites and you see a recipe that someone posts and your mouth waters and it looks great and you swear that one day your going to make it, all to find that your too busy, the weekend comes and you have forgotten all about it buried under several reposts?

I am making a solomn oath to persevere over all others who have embarked on this adventure and failed. I for one don't always believe that people hand over the exact recipes and they always leave something important out that you should do or add and you never quite get the same result or the result is disaster. Whether this is true or not of all recipes we are going to find out on this adventure together!

Date: 09/16/2015
Recipe Caramel Apple Crisp Bites

Web photo:

Ok so I noticed that the web photo makes this treat look delicious, which I must give kudos to the author of the recipe because she clearly knew how to make it look good. Those apples are absolutely raw! I am sure this is done to show that they were diced and seasoned to give you an idea of what the mixture looks like.

I did not follow the recipe exactly. I wanted a general idea on how the treat was made so, what I needed to know was how to make the graham cracker crust. The apples....well I seasoned those as I always do for apple pie, but adding the flour and baking them was a great idea and gives the consistency you need for a filling.

For the mini muffin tin I greased each one individually with Blue Bonnet as I did not have non stick cooking spray around, I was careful to grease every inch. I followed the directions regarding the cooking times and I also put cinnamon and nutmeg in my apples so you can say that I followed the recipe to form, I just cut the recipe in half using two apples instead of three or four, this helped me save some time and be able to post a blog. For the topping I opted to use Smuckers Caramel Topping which is one of my favorites for making Caramel Frappuccino's and Macchiato's at home. I also used the back of a round Tablespoon in order to press the graham cracker crust into the mini muffin wells this kept my fingers from getting all messy.

Here is my photo:

Overall this was a great recipe! The taste was to die for the caramel on the top reminded me of the caramel apple empanada filling at Taco Bell. The graham cracker crust after two bakings added just the right amount of textured crunch to balance out the soft filling of the apple, the crust had a gentle saltiness from the butter used. This is the ABSOLUTE PERFECT fall snack and a must make! You may fuss over it a bit but it's worth it! If something was left out of this recipe it didn't matter because it was completely delicious. Follow the recipe its a good one!

Taste : 5 Stars  *****
Ease of Recipe: 4 Stars ****
Integrity of Recipe: 5 Stars  *****

Princess Pinky Girl has shared an excellent recipe with the world and I appreciate her for doing so. My family devoured these little treats one after the other like an addiction!

1 comment:

  1. These bites are so delicious I ate a whole batch by myself...thank you for the recipe
